Brazilian Butt Lift In Lancaster, PA

Create Your Ideal Butt – Procedures Cost As Little As $174 Per Month

We Have 0% Interest Financing Available!


Have you ever considered having a Brazilian Butt Lift? This minimally invasive procedure could give you the butt of your dreams by moving fat from one location (where you don’t want it) to your buttocks (where you do want it!). When you can improve your body with just one visit to our doctor’s office where we’ll use local anesthesia to complete the procedure, why would you continue to cope with a body that you don’t love? Get rid of your unwanted belly fat (from the abdomen area) and find that beautiful shape that you deserve by transferring it to your buttocks.

Brazilian Butt Lift Treatment Before & After Photos

What Is A Brazilian Butt Lift?

You may hear Brazilian Butt Lifts being referred to as ‘BBL’, an abbreviation of the term. This procedure is one of many cosmetic surgery options for those looking to change and improve their bodies, and is a highly popular option. We all know about having unwanted fat in certain areas of the body, such as belly fat, but what if you could move that fat to somewhere where you do want it, like your buttocks? This game-changing idea is known as a BBL. It increases the volume of your butt and adds to your figure’s overall fullness.



When it comes to body changing and sculpting procedures, the US is loving BBL. Figures from the American Society Of Plastic Surgeons report that the procedure was completed 28,076 times in 2019, with the figure lowering slightly to 21,823 in 2020 despite the global pandemic. Clearly, many people across the US are experiencing the wonders of a BBL procedure which could be changing many lives for the better every year.



But how exactly does it work? You’ll be under local anesthesia during the procedure, to ensure that it’s safe and painless for you as a patient. Once you’re safely anesthetized, your highly experienced and trained doctor will make use of liposuction. You may be familiar with this term, as liposuction is used in many other cosmetic procedures. It uses a tube which sucks fat through a cut or incision in your body, removing it. The liposuction’s job is to get rid of fat from unwanted areas, like your belly, your hips, or even your thighs.


With normal liposuction, the procedure would end there. But a BBL also involves using your fat from those unwanted areas to enhance your buttocks. This fat tissue is purified to ensure that it’s safe for use, and then your doctor will get it ready for the second half, as it were, of the procedure. Your doctor will make a few cuts or incisions in your buttocks which are used as entryways for the fat being moved from unwanted to wanted areas. Once it is injected, these cuts are carefully sutured and will be dressed and looked after to avoid you getting an infection or suffering from unnecessary bleeding.


If you’re wondering why a BBL is called a ‘lift’ when the process doesn’t involve traditional aspects of lifts like removing loose skin, then you’d be justified in your thinking. But we still call BBLs ‘lifts’ because once the transferring of the fat is complete and you have a newly sculpted, beautiful figure, you can expect the skin on your butt to seem more tight than it used to be. This adds to the overall effect of BBLs as you’ll be left with a wonderfully enhanced buttocks area where your skin is tight and your fullness and volume is amazingly enhanced.


Choosing a BBL means that you’re choosing a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery approach to improving your body. Through minimal liposuction and incisions, you could greatly improve your looks and self-esteem. There likely won’t even be a need for stitches when you complete your BBL, and patients often report that they don’t experience any bruises or their incisions bleeding at all. If they do, this is usually to a very mild degree and can be monitored by your doctor if required. Furthermore, you’ll be able to go home once it’s done or shortly after it’s done as a BBL is an outpatient procedure, which has to be one of the main areas of appeal for minimally invasive procedures.

BBL Recovery

As with any cosmetic surgery procedure, there are some steps that patients should take after the process is completed. These steps can ensure that you stay safe and healthy, as well as comfortable, and reduce the already small likelihood of complications. After a BBL, you should:


  • Not sit on your buttocks for at least two weeks.
  • Not sleep on your back for at least two weeks.


This is to let the fat that you have moved to your buttocks settle down, meaning that any swelling you’re experiencing can subside and your body can adjust to the new placement of the fat. It’s important to allow your body time while it adjusts and gets used to its new shape.


It’s completely normal for your body to get rid of some of this fat. Various studies done by ultrasound technology have come to the conclusion that your new fat will reduce in size by around 20% across twelve months. If you are interested in having more than one procedure done, then you can bring this up with your doctor to see what would be right for you, but most patients will only need to undergo one simple procedure.


Many patients are completely happy with their BBL butts, even if they reduce in volume a little after the first year. They have reported loving their new bodies and figures for many years to come, with some feeling more confident in themselves and absolutely adoring their new looks.


Want this to be you? Interested in getting advice and guidance around BBLs and how they could transform your life? Feel free to get in contact today to learn more about one of the US’ most popular and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures!


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